Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

Yeah - we totally missed it. I woke up at 7:00 to begin the process of getting a two-year-old, a five-month-old, and myself ready for church. We don't leave until 8:45, and the kids were still asleep, so I got my morning cup of coffee and leisurely sat down to check my email. My computer said that it was 8:00 instead of 7:00. Strange - but I thought it was just a glitch. I fed Micah and got him ready for church and down for a short nap. When Abigail awoke (she is not a morning person) we embarked on our daily routine of cereal, banana, and Dora the Explorer. Panic! Dora was not on and Direct TV said it was 9:00. Church STARTS at 9:00. Still in disbelief, I found Gene and asked him if it was Daylight Savings. He looked it up online and - sure enough - it was. Fortunately, we go to the 9:00 service and the class Gene teaches is at 11:00. Although I was sad to miss church, that meant we had extra time to get everyone ready. So we enjoyed a fun, laid-back Sunday morning. How refreshing!