Monday, January 26, 2009

successful failure

That's suppose to be an oxymoron right? Like "jumbo shrimp". Even though Abigail is not potty trained and we abandoned boot camp today around noon, I learned several valuable lessons:

1. You cannot make a child "go" in the potty if they are not ready.
2. Woolite Pet Odor and Stain Carpet Cleaner is not just for pets.
3. You think your child will do anything for a fruit snack - but really they won't.
4. If I watch one more episode of Dora the Explorer I might explode.
5. I am definitely taking the batteries out of the Elmo Potty Chair.

Thank you for your prayers and support. I will let you know when we decide to give it another shot. In the meantime its back to diapers...

Friday, January 23, 2009


We have decided to postpone potty training until Monday. We had too much going on this weekend to give it a good shot.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I just got home from a college roommate reunion in Austin. There were eight of us who lived together. Our house looked like a barn and was falling apart, but, for us it was our home - our family. We are spread out now, but we reunite every couple of years. These amazing women challenge and encourage me every time I see them. We are still family.

Many of them are avid bloggers, so I was inspired to give blogging another try. This post will be an intro. My goal is to update every couple of weeks.

I am married to Gene and have two children. Abigail is two and Micah is four months. We took Abigail (who I sometimes refer to as Abby) to the mall before Christmas to ride the carousel. In the picture she is saying, "Giddy up, horsey, giddy up!"

During our reunion my friend who has four children gave me potty training advice. She recommended what I will refer to as "potty training boot camp". Basically I push the liquids and put Abby on the potty every twenty minutes. I heard about this method from several other friends, but never worked up the nerve to try it. I purchased an egg timer yesterday and we are going to Target today to buy some big girl panties. Tomorrow we will train.